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My name is Mer Zandifar Dias, and I'm here to guide you through a journey of profound transformation. With my background in Counseling and Somatic Psychology, neuroscience, attachment theory, and clinical hypnotherapy, I offer a unique blend of consulting and therapeutic approaches designed to help you achieve breakthroughs and lasting change.


I also bring extensive experience in business development, organizational psychology, and HR, having worked with hundreds of individuals and various organizations, from startups to larger enterprises. Scroll down to learn more about how we can work together.

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What I Offer

As a Psychosomatic Health and Attachment Style Consultant, I provide a holistic consulting service that integrates attachment theory, somatic psychology, clinical hypnotherapy, and core belief reprogramming. This comprehensive approach addresses all facets of your emotional well-being, including your relationships, personal growth, and professional goals. Together, we will:


  • Explore Psychosomatic Health: Understand how emotional experiences and attachment patterns are stored in the body and mind. We’ll work to release the physical and mental manifestations of past trauma, generational patterns, and attachment wounds, helping you cultivate greater emotional resilience.


  • Experience Clinical Hypnotherapy: Through clinical hypnotherapy, you’ll access your subconscious mind, allowing us to address deep-seated issues related to attachment, self-worth, and emotional security. This practice fosters inner safety, relaxation, and neural plasticity, unlocking new pathways for personal growth.


  • Reprogram Core Beliefs: Identify and transform unconscious patterns and limiting beliefs into empowering core beliefs. This process rewires the brain for long-lasting change, creating a solid foundation for self-confidence, healthier relationships, and positive behavior shifts.


  • Improve Attachment Style Awareness: Gain deeper insight into your attachment style and how it affects your relationships and emotional well-being. We’ll work together to shift patterns that may be hindering your ability to connect with others, fostering more secure and fulfilling relationships.


  • Practice Meditation & Breathwork for Mind-Body Balance: Personalized meditation practices will support mindfulness, enhance emotional awareness, and reinforce the positive changes we achieve. These practices will be tailored to support both your mental and physical well-being.



Many intelligent and successful individuals like you struggle with anxiety, attachment wounds, codependency, and relationship challenges. These often manifest as communication difficulties, boundary issues, low self-worth, and the pressure of managing a demanding career. If you relate to these struggles, know that you're not alone—and there is a path to relief, healing, and empowerment.


Through our work together, you’ll learn to set and maintain healthy boundaries, clearly communicate your needs, and cultivate deep emotional resilience. You’ll discover how to navigate relationships with greater ease, heal attachment wounds, and foster emotional security within yourself and with others. This transformation will not only enhance your personal life but also support your leadership, allowing you to excel with confidence and compassion in your professional world.


Most importantly, you will develop a stronger, healthier relationship with yourself. By identifying and transforming unconscious beliefs and attachment patterns, you can break free from past limitations and create a future rooted in self-worth, confidence, and well-being.

"Mer has been one of the greatest catalysts of change in my life. For the last four years, I've brought my good, bad and ugly to her. Without a shred of judgment, she's been able to create awareness, identify blind spots and provide opportunities to heal. She has provided the space and energy for profound "ah ha" moments and true transformation. I cannot recommend her enough."

San Francisco, CA


"Mer’s dedication to her clients shines brightly in the wealth of resources she provides, the environment she nurtures, and her passion for learning new tools to share with her community.


I’ve learned so much about attachment styles, non-violent communication, and setting healthy boundaries. All of these tools help me on a daily basis to have positive interactions and to approach the world with openness. She also has an extensive collection of guided meditations that she’s created which were a great introduction to a daily meditation practice." 


Boston, MA

"Working with Mer has been a life-changing experience. I came to her at a very intense time in my life where I was faced with making some big decisions. Through our conversations and meditations, I was able to reach a place of clarity and move forward in my life. Thank you! “

Los Angeles, CA

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How this works

My consulting services are tailored to address your unique needs. I’ll begin by understanding your current situation and then work with you to create a customized plan.
I recommend getting started with a Breakthrough Consultation, which includes a comprehensive video assessment. This provides valuable insights into your circumstances and guides you in making sustainable changes. 

This initial step sets the stage for a collaborative journey toward achieving your personal growth and wellness goals.

For more extensive support, I offer both short-term and long-term consulting packages, including a monthly retainer option.​
During our ongoing live sessions, we will meet by phone or Zoom to discuss your goals and challenges. Together, we implement practices that facilitate healing and transformation.​

Breakthrough Psychosomatic Consultation
Rewire Your Brain & Redesign Your Life

Breakthrough Assessment

Take the first step towards transforming your life with a personalized Breakthrough Consultation. For just $50, you’ll receive a customized recorded video that includes:


  • Comprehensive Assessment: An in-depth evaluation of your relationships, lifestyle, attachment style, and professional challenges, uncovering how these factors contribute to your emotional and psychosomatic health.


  • Uncover Hidden Patterns: Identify the unconscious attachment wounds, core beliefs, and negative patterns causing you to feel stuck, anxious, or stressed. These deep-rooted patterns often go unnoticed, leading to recurring struggles, unfulfilling relationships, and self-sabotaging behaviors.


  • Personalized Advice for Transformation: Receive practical, tailored guidance on how to shift core beliefs, heal attachment wounds, and rewire your nervous system responses. This approach empowers you to make profound changes in your personal and professional life, promoting emotional and relational well-being.


Plus, you’ll also receive:


  • Custom Journal & Meditation Prompts: Thoughtfully designed prompts to guide you in reflecting on your journey and deepening your inner awareness.


  • Tailored Guided Meditation & Breathwork Practice: A brief, personalized meditation practice to help you feel grounded, relaxed, and more connected to your body and emotions.


This consultation provides focused, personalized support to help you gain clarity, identify obstacles, and initiate lasting, positive change in your life.

Perfect For You If...


  • You’re Ready for Deep Transformation: You’re eager to dive deep into your subconscious mind and uncover the core beliefs that are holding you back. You understand that true change comes from within and are ready to commit to the process.


  • You’re Open-Minded and Willing to Learn: You approach life with curiosity and are excited to explore new therapeutic techniques. You’re coachable, open to feedback, and eager to implement what you learn.


  • You’re Committed to Personal Growth: You see every challenge as an opportunity for growth. You’re willing to put in the work, practice daily mindfulness, and apply the strategies we develop together.


  • You Value Holistic Approaches: You appreciate the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. You’re interested in a comprehensive approach that includes somatic psychology, hypnotherapy, and meditation.









We Might Not Be a Good Fit If...


  • You’re looking for a quick fix or someone to do the work for you.

  • You’re not open to exploring new ideas or techniques.

  • You’re unwilling to commit to regular practice and self-reflection

  • You are actively engaged in a process addiction or substance use disorder (including opiates and benzodiazepines) or actively engaged in an eating disorder. These conditions are not within the scope of my expertise. 

  • You're in a domestic violence situation or if you are actively suicidal. If you are in danger of harm or in danger of self-harm or suicide, please do not use this website. Call 911 immediately, or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1800-273-8255. 

Some FAQ’s


What kind of payment plans are available?

I offer payment plans spanning 2-6 months with zero interest. I also offer Affirm and Afterpay if you prefer an extended payment plan.


Do you offer refunds?

Refunds are not available. Private consulting requires significant energy and commitment from both parties. Entering this process with the mindset of "If this doesn't go as planned, I'll just ask for a refund" sets the stage for dissatisfaction. Success is all about mindset and attitude. Approach this program with openness and enthusiasm for the opportunities and growth ahead, and positive outcomes will follow!


How are sessions scheduled?

After payment is made, you will be directed to your next steps, including the link to my calendar.


What if I’m not sure if I can commit to a payment plan?

Please ensure you choose a plan you can fully commit to. My payment plans are designed to support you, not to be optional. When you invest, you agree to my terms and conditions, which include honoring your payment plan commitment.


For deeper support, I offer 4 different packages you can choose from:

Ready to Transform Your Life?

Contact me today to learn more about how we can work together to achieve the transformation you deserve.

About Me


I am a dedicated Consultant and Writer with a Master’s degree in Counseling and Somatic Psychology. With over 26 years of experience as a meditation teacher and student, I bring a deep understanding of mindfulness and mind-body awareness to my practice. 


With extensive experience in clinical hypnotherapy and a strong foundation in neuroscience and psychophysiology, I am committed to helping you uncover and reprogram the unconscious patterns that shape your life.


Let’s work together to build a healthier, happier future.

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