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Mer Zandifar

How to Overcome Negative Thoughts

Overcoming Negative Thoughts

Most people experience overthinking, negative thoughts, and worry from time to time. For some, these patterns can feel intrusive and take on a life of their own, leading to anxiety, pessimism, and even depression.

While eliminating negative thoughts entirely might not be possible, it's important to remember that you can gain control over them. By practicing mindfulness and developing healthier thinking habits, you can better manage your emotions and feelings.

Acknowledge Your Thought Patterns

The first step to gaining control over your thoughts is to recognize when they occur. Take a deep breath and observe what you’re thinking, without judgment. This form of mindfulness brings you back to the present, allowing you to be less reactive and more objective.

6 Common Negative Thinking Habits

  1. Dampening: This occurs when people unconsciously suppress joy and happiness, often shifting into a dull mood for comfort and familiarity. Example: Feeling sick or picking a fight after something positive happens.

  1. Rumination: Dwelling on past events, regrets, and self-doubt. Example: Replaying a conversation in your head repeatedly without moving on.

  1. Future Thinking: Focusing on the future to control your emotions by projecting into an imagined reality. Example: Worrying about a future event that may never happen.

  1. Comparative Thinking: This compresses your perspective and fuels scarcity thinking. Example: Comparing yourself to others on social media and feeling inadequate.

  1. Black and White Thinking: Seeing things in extremes, leading to broad generalizations about yourself and life. Example: "Things always work out for others but never for me."

  1. Catastrophic Thinking: Obsessing over the worst possible outcome, generating fear and anxiety. Example: Worrying you'll lose your job and end up starving, despite no evidence.

Taking Command Of Your Thoughts Through Mindfulness

9 Ways to Overcome Negative Thinking

Here are nine research-backed practices from CBT, DBT, positive psychology, and mindfulness that can help you break the cycle of negative thinking. These strategies will create distance between you and your thoughts, allowing you to feel less overwhelmed and more in control.

  1. Question the Logic: Ask yourself: Is this always true, or does it just feel true right now? Is this thought helping me move forward, or is it holding me back?

  1. Stop Sign Technique: Visualize a red stop sign whenever negative thoughts arise. This simple technique can help your brain register the need to stop engaging in unhelpful thinking.

Stop Negative Thoughts

3. Focus on Gratitude and Apprecitation: Write a list of everything you're grateful for. This shifts your mindset from scarcity to abundance, helping you regain balance.

  1. Reflect on an Intensely Positive Experience: Write about a vividly positive experience for at least five minutes. This practice can help you reconnect with positive emotions and shift your focus.

  1. Get Out of Your Head: Overthinking often disconnects you from your body. Regular exercise, walking, or breathing exercises can help quiet your mind and reconnect with your physical self.

  1. Be of Service to Others: Helping others can expand your perspective and connect you to something bigger than your thoughts, providing relief from your own struggles.

  1. Express Your Thoughts and Feelings: It’s essential to have a healthy outlet for your emotions. Whether through journaling, art, or talking with a trusted friend, externalizing your thoughts can be cathartic.

  2. Focus on Strength and Resilience: Combat negative self-talk by listing daily successes, no matter how small, and reflecting on how your strengths can help you tomorrow.

  1. Talk to a Mental Health Professional: If negative thinking feels overwhelming, reach out to a mental health professional. A coach or therapist can help you identify the root cause, whether it's unresolved trauma, chronic stress, or a mood disorder, and guide you toward healing.

Embrace the Ongoing Process of Cultivating Mindfulness & Emotion Regulation

Developing mindfulness and gaining control over negative thoughts takes time and consistency. The more you practice these tools, the easier it will become to interrupt negative thought patterns, allowing you to feel more in control of your emotions and mental well-being.

To receive individualized support in exploring negative thought patterns, limiting core beliefs, improving mindset, and practicing breathwork and somatics, please contact me to book a breakthrough consultation or discuss deeper ongoing support.

Take care of your mental health

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